Gamer's Den

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Bully: Scholarship Edition

Bully: Scholarship Edition is a brilliant game by production company Rockstar Games (which has given us the legendary GTA series). The gameplay in Bully is in fact very similar to GTA & the best description I can give for the game is that it is GTA in High School.

The main protagonist which you play as in the game is Jimmy Hopkins, a 15 year old with problem with authority & has been kicked out of a number of schools who finally has been given admission to a Co-ed boarding school called Bullworth Academy known for its strict discipline, located near the town of Bullworth. This provides the gamer a huge map to explore. From skipping classes to breaking into lockers & even sneaking into the girl’s hostel & bullying other students of course, there is a lot that can be done while not on the main story missions.  

While Jimmy, who’s new to the school tries to make it through the academic year has to deal with the different social circles in the school – Bullies, Nerds, Jocks, Preppies, Greasers and Townies. From making out with cheerleaders (Which gives the player extra health) to giving wedgies & stuffing other kids in trash cans, this game is seriously fun & addictive. The main story line lasts a while & is more or less fun from beginning to end. However certain missions can get a bit boring at times & the fact that Jimmy has to get back to his hostel room & sleep by 1am, or else he will pass out wherever he is, does kind of hamper the experience. All in all completing the game will take a couple of days at least. Jimmy also does have a number of weapons at his disposal such as Eggs, Fireworks, marbles(to trip people),Stink bombs, itchy powder & a slingshot.

The game is fun, addictive & has satirical look on high school which is funny & makes it unique. I do recommend that if you’re a casual gamer to check it out.


This game, I have to say, was one of the main reason why I wanted to buy a console, as it is only available on Xbox & PS3. Not only is it a game written by Tim Schaffer who helped create the original Monkey Island games but also the critically acclaimed Grim Fandango, the vocal talent used for the main character Eddie Riggs is none other than actor & Tenacious D lead singer JACK BLACK.

The game tells the the story of Eddie Riggs, who happens to be a roadie for a modern metal band & a sudden stage accident transports our protagonist to a strange yet awesome Metal world, where the environment & animals are based of 70's & 80's metal & rock album covers. The game has a great mix of lots of styles including racing, hack & slash & even Real Time Strategy(RTS). In the RTS part of the game, the objective is basically to put on a better show than your rival & gain more fans which allows you to train more troops and ultimately destroy your opponents stage. Eddie has 2 main weapons - an axe & an electric guitar (which electrocutes nearby enemies when played).

The game is very funny with brilliant dialogues, however the major drawback of it was that it was just too short. The main story-line only a meager 5 & half hours long, however there is lots to be explored in this fantastical metal inspired world. Another major setback was the game always felt like it was building more & more for a big finish but was kind of a let down at the end.

All in all though it's a brilliant game including cameos from Ozzy Osbourne(Black Sabbath), Rob Halford(Judas Priest), Lemmy Kilmeister(Motorhead), & Lita Ford. Every Metal-head who plays videogames needs to play this. As a metal-head this game was simply an awesome tribute. The Soundtrack for the game is simply amazing, comprising of songs from almost every genre in metal, without having to resort to using the overplayed & most famous songs from known metal bands, the soundtrack remains very fresh.

Finally this game is simply awesome, however retailing at Rs. 2000 in India is simply too much for a 5 & half hour game. My recommendation is too borrow it from a friend. A must play for metal heads who love video-games.

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