Saturday 15 December 2012

Top 10 lead guitarist cliches

This is a brilliant article from - of some of funny but true cliched things that lead guitarist of some of the biggest rock bands of all time are known for.

Angus Young (AC/DC)
                      Slash (Guns N' Roses/Velvet Revolver)        Pete Townshend (The Who)

Here are the Top Ten Lead Guitarist Cliches -

10. Leather Trousers
Always wear leather. Leather is the world's hardest-rocking material. And leather doesn't have to be washed often, which works great on tour.

9. Sunglasses Everywhere
Whether you're indoors/outside, whether it's day/night or whether it's hot/cold, sunglasses must always be worn.

8. Multi-Neck Guitars
We don't need these most of the time, but we play the because they look cool. People will disagree and say that they are extremely useful, but ask yourself this question: How many songs do I know that require you to shift from a regular 6-string to a 12-string in a second or two? None.

7. Wall Of Marshall Amplifiers
It doesn't have to be Marshalls, but a wall of amps or at least 5 or 6 is essential. NO COMBO AMPS!

6. Odd Head-Wear
Everyone has had some sort of strange head-wear at one stage or another. Guitarists such as Slash, Angus Young and Jimmy Page are no strangers to odd head-wear.

5. The Trophy Wife
You gotta get a nice beautiful wife to go with your beautiful guitars.

4. Signature/Vandalised Gear
You either got signature gear or you have gear that you've vandalised so much it sort of is signature gear. (Kurt Cobain and his legendary sticker on his strat: Vandalism; beautiful as a rock in a cop's face.)

3. Signature Stage Moves
Chuck Berry and Angus Young's "Duckwalk". Pete Townshend's "Windmill", the list goes on. But you need to make your own moves, and do them so often that every time you do it, everyone loves it.

2. Drug/Alcohol Habits
This doesn't apply to everyone but it certainly is very common. Everyone has got to know that you've done some sort of drug or had a lot of alcohol at some stages in your life.

1. Always Smoking
Again, this doesn't apply to everyone, but if you look at people like Slash, they smoke in EVERY music video, concert, CD artwork, etc. And they smoke so often the cigarette becomes a part of their body, and it makes it weird to see them without a cigarette in their mouth.

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